The Platform

Fragment Creative Platform helps you to create your digital world thanks to a pipeline composed by 4 steps.

  • Universe modelization

The technological challenge of the FRAGMENT project is to offer an easy-to-use and intuitive platform, capable of analyzing an entire literary work by selecting the relevant elements to "tokenize".

Regarding the Fragment Artificial Intelligence (the Frag·Verse AI) part, we intend to rely on existing technologies such as Text Mining which consists, via Natural Language Processing, in analyzing a text, identifying facts, relationships and assertions and extracting essential data that will be sufficiently flawless, structured and necessary for piloting advanced predictive models used in Machine Learning.

This latest technology gives systems the ability to automatically learn from experience without the need for explicit programming, and can help solve complex problems with an accuracy that can rival or sometimes even surpass humans.

This will be able to model the universe of the work and understand its essence to select the right "fragments" to tokenize. And this in an industrialized way without the heavy task of having to model the literary universe yourself.

Thus it will be possible to "industrialize" the massive tokenization of the catalogs of literary works of publishing houses or allow independent authors to be easily present on the Web3, in particular on the Metaverse and offer a unique experience to their readers while generating additional revenue. This will facilitate and accelerate the democratization of cryptographic works to the general public.

  • Collection setup

Once the Frag·Verse AI has done its selection work, there are 2 options:

  • Single-based Collection

Fragment sends the text elements to the Dall·E 2 API which will create the many digital works of high quality and originality that will make up the collection of non-fungible tokens.

The DALL·E 2 artificial intelligence technology created by OpenAI based on the semantic understanding of a variation of GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3) currently makes it possible to analyze a text and generate a faithful graphical representation to textual content. DALL·E 2 can thus create original and realistic images and works of art from a textual description. It can combine concepts, attributes and styles.

  • Layer-based Collection

Setup and creation thanks to our creative team

Setup and creation with Dall·E

  • Tokenization

FRAGMENT will support the author in the deployment of his collection on the Blockchain thanks to smart contracts

  • Marketing

Fragment will develop the entire marketing strategy. This with the minimum human intervention necessary by the FRAGMENT teams.

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