The ƒragments of Culture

When you open a book, you enter a world that belongs to you. Which was created by an author who expressed all his imagination.

That's why we are working so that Fragment can offer you an augmented culture experience by bringing more connection with the author and more actions than just reading a book.

To put it simply, we transform the entire artistic universe of a book into many fragments which can be characters, physical objects, places or abstract concepts such as powers or emotions.

These shards are non-fungible tokens (or NFTs) and are created by an artificial intelligence that produces unique and beautiful works of art.

After that, FRAGMENT Technology pushes the collection to blockchain and crafts the marketing campaign.

Our innovation is on:

  • Industrialization in the process of tokenization of artistic universes via AI technologies.

  • An "augmented culture" experience offered to readers allowing them to interact with the author and to be involved in the life of the work, whether in the creative process or in its marketing. Indeed they will be able to be "shareholders" of the works by financing projects while receiving income

  • Authors will be able to be closer to their community, promote their works by offering other elements to readers than the simple manuscript to read and authors will be able to receive additional income (sales of non-fungible tokens on the first and secondary market).

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